Voters For Animal Rights
Voters for animal rights takes action by lobbying to elect officials who support laws that end animal cruelty in New York. The mission is about bridging the political moral divide that so often ignores the rights of animals. AFAR strikes the root cause of animal suffering which is a lack of fundamental rights and laws that protect our animal sisters and brothers from unnecessary enslavement and torture.

Through their efforts, AFAR is building a strong coalition of advocates that are taking the political initiative to ensure candidates in position of leadership protect animals.
These laws would hold the inhumane treatment of animals accountable. The year is now 2022 and horses in New York City are still being forced to haul carriages through heavily trafficked streets. In result, many of them collapse in extreme weather conditions from exhaustion and arthritis.
AFAR is among the many organizations that are a voice for the voiceless. At the core of the movement is to train animal advocates to run for office and elect compassionate officials that care about how animals are immorally treated.
Victories for animal rights

Here are some of AFAR’s electoral and legislative victories: they co-led 2020 campaigns to pas S.4234 in NYS Senate which bans the sale of dogs, cats and rabbits in all pet stores, led 2019 campaign to pass Intro 1378, which banned foie gras from forced-fed ducks and geese in all NYC restaurants and grocery stores, endorsed more than 50 animal rights candidates for New York State Senate and Assembly in 2020 primary and general election cycle. In addition, AFAR has banned the use of wild animals in NYC circuses and created the official NYC Mayor’s Office of Animal Welfare.
Some of the current campaigns include joining other cities to ban the sale of fur from the cruel industry that breeds and confines animals into tiny filthy cages where they suffer extreme stress. We see an increase over the concerns for living a healthy lifestyle more so these days than in the recent past.
AFAR has been working endlessly to bring nutritious plant-based foods for New Yorkers into the school systems where students are given processed meat linked to a variety of bodily dis-ease.
You can visit the Voter’s For Animal Rights website to learn more about the numerous ways to get involved with the mission to protect animals from all sorts of abuse and neglect. Whether it is showing up at City Hall, becoming a member, or donating, there are plenty of ways to support this important movement that takes political action for the humane treatment of animals.